How does Vitamin C Serum brighten your skin in summers?

Summers are really fun when it comes to refreshing drinks, ice creams, beach dresses and other activities but for the skin, it is a really difficult time. The cruel UV rays of sun, high temperatures, humidity, pollution and never ending impurities in the environment altogether creates havoc on skin. These suck out the natural moisture from the skin and create issues like dark spots, uneven skin tone, dullness, dark patches, acne, premature ageing and many more. To protect your skin from such issues, you need to add a Hydrating Face Serum with skin friendly ingredients like Vitamin C & Hyaluronic Acid to your skincare regimen that is full of essential nutrients and aids in protecting the moisture barrier of the skin.

Modern skin care is incomplete without serums. People in ancient times did not focus on skincare too much because at that time, the environmental conditions were not harsh, there was not so much pollution and toxins. But now, as the ozone layer gets depleted day by day, the UV rays of the sun are becoming more dangerous increasing the risk of development of dark spots, marks, tanning, hyperpigmentation and even skin cancer.

Hydrating Face Serums are not an extra , but an essential step of skincare. These are thin textured, quick absorbing liquid that is capable of delivering essential nutrients to the skin through its powerful ingredients. A Vitamin C face serum is one of them. It is called the holy grail for skin by some skin specialists. For every skin type, its use is suggested. Following points explain how it brightens the skin-

Treats Acne

– Acne is something that attacks nearly everyone. It makes the appearance of skin uneven, oily, dull and unpleasant. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant that has great antibacterial properties to fight acne causing bacteria called Propionibacterium.

Boosts Hydration– this vitamin helps to build up the lipid layer of skin for increasing the hydration. In this way, the skin barrier function of skin is protected and improves that prevents the loss of moisture through skin. Moreover, it gives a plump and healthy look to skin.

Prevents Premature Ageing – As the person ages, the natural synthesis of skin firming proteins like collagen & elastin decreases which makes the skin weak, loose and saggy. Serums that contain Vit C increase the collagen production in skin cells. Along with that, it is a great antioxidant that battles with free radicals to result in a firm, plump and younger looking skin.

Sun Protection – Ozone layer depletion has made the sun rays too harsh that they result in sunburn, tanning and age spots that automatically makes skin dull. A Hydrating Face serum with this Ethyl Ascorbic Acid as an active ingredient that prevents the skin cells from oxidative stress by the free radicals and also calms the inflammation symptoms like redness, swelling, itching and irritation.

Improves Skin Texture – A skin with good texture has even skin tone, no open pores, strong moisture barrier, bright appearance and smooth surface. All of these can be achieved by a Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Face Serum that has Vitamin C in ample amounts.

Aids Skin Renewal– This serum does not let dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin and cause dullness. It replenishes the skin and boosts up the skin renewal process that gets hampered by certain environmental stresses and when the cells renew themselves early, the dark spots, acne marks, wounds, inflammation and tanning gets healed.


The Beauty Sailor

For coping up with the damage caused to skin by environmental stresses , a Hydrating Face Serum is very essential. It protects the skin moisture barrier by making it strong and also improves it so that the skin does not get in contact with any harmful microorganisms, germs, toxins, pollution particles and also, does not lose moisture by evaporation.

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